Monday, December 2, 2013

Expanded Post...

Ok, that last post may have been a bit over-dramatic. I'm just upset with C and I can't talk to him about it right now. I honestly don't know if we will last. Even though we haven't been married that long, every time he visits, we fight. Getting married was a mistake. But what's done is done. Either we work through it or we divorce. No going back now.

I guess this weekend wasn't all bad. I got to spend Thanksgiving with my In-Laws. I love them by the way. They are so nice and accepting. One of C's brothers kind of scares me, but everyone else is amazing. The only problem with dinner there is that most of the conversations took place in Spanish. I've tried learning Spanish; I've taken classes for six years. Nothing seems to stick though. C's siblings speak fluent English but his parents only know some of the language. It makes communicating with them very difficult. I should probably give it one more attempt to learn though. Something has to work eventually, right? Anyway, Thanksgiving was fun. There were so many kinds running around and the adults were all laughing. It was exactly like a Thanksgiving should be.

That night, C and I were supposed to go out. My parents agreed to watch both kids Thursday and Friday night. C was too tired. We just went to sleep.

Friday, we took both kids Black Friday shopping. Crazy! C bought some stuff for himself at Express. I took care of both kids because they wouldn't wait in line. Then we went to The Children's Place so I could buy some things for the kids. G had to use the potty so C ran off with him to find one. They didn't make it in time so C had to buy him new clothes. C promised to buy me new clothes to wear later that night. However, after G's accident, C claimed he was too tired and wanted to leave. We had promised G a trip to Barnes and Noble to play with their Thomas the Train table so we went there instead. C cut the playtime short.

That night, we dropped off the kids so we could go out with a few of his friends. We played pool and then went to a bar to sing karaoke. He flirted with one of his friends the entire night. His best friend noticed that I seemed upset by this and tried to comfort me. C never noticed. I got drunk to avoid crying. C called a cab and had us leave early. I was not consulted before this decision. My opinion is not necessary I guess.

Saturday morning was our last time together. He made plans for the afternoon and evening with his friends. We were going to grab breakfast together. A had a fever so we weren't going to take her out. Thankfully my dad agreed to watch her for just a little bit longer. I suggested we get food to go so I could get back with her quicker. He didn't seem keen on the idea until his friends called. Then he couldn't get rid of us fast enough. G was so upset when C left but C still practically sprinted from the car. He didn't text me for the rest of the day, Sunday, or today. I've been forgotten I guess.

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