Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Just when I think I'm getting better, I get sick with something new. Friday, I don't even know what I was sick with but it was one of the few days I've called off work for me instead of the kids. I had a fever, headache, sore throat, and was so dizzy. I slept almost all day and I'm still not better even though today is Tuesday. What I need is sleep. I'll probably keep this illness for years. I've had a cold for over two months now that I just can't seem to get rid of. Rest and taking care of myself would go a long way.

My dad went away this weekend but my mom was around presumably to help me. She did a lot of complaining about how much work she needed to do instead. She complained about the reports that aren't due for over a week. She complained about laundry that was no big deal on Thursday suddenly became life or death on Saturday. She complained that it was too much work to watch both kids at the same time even though she raised three of her own. She had me watching A almost the whole weekend. When she watched G, she would just give him her iPad and get back to work.

Once again, she gets to walk away patting herself on the back for helping her failure of a daughter and I'm stuck wondering why I even bother asking for help when I know I'm not going to get it. She didn't even ask how I was feeling all weekend. She doesn't care about me. I'm still not feeling better, if that even matters to anyone...

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