Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Updates 11-19-13

Do you ever feel like there's not enough things to say? Usually I only feel that way when I talk to people but I'm feeling like that right now. I'm just plodding along through life right now. Nothing significant or noteworthy is happening in my life recently.

Let's see...

C will be here in a little over a week. I'm so excited about it, but I believe I already mentioned that.

G is doing well at school. We've recently started playing board games together. He loves it except when he loses. We are working on him being ok with losing right now. I can't play games with him as much as I want to because A tries to eat the pieces or money or whatever. I hate stopping in the middle of a game to take care of her.

A is getting bigger. I got her a bigger rear facing car seat because she is quickly growing out of her old one. She still has only four teeth but she seems to be chewing on everything again. She will also eat everything. This weekend she stole my fried chicken. She took a big bite out of it before I even noticed. I swear, that girl eats more than I do.

I should be officially a CPA soon. I sent in my final application complete with processing fee about a month ago. The check was finally processed this weekend! Yay! I still have a chance to become a CPA in 2013!

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