Thursday, June 27, 2013


A had her two month old check up yesterday. She's already 12 lbs! That puts her in the 80th percentile for her age! In her defense, she's also in the 80th percentile for height and head size so at least my big baby is proportionate. She's healthy and happy. Well, she was happy at the doctors' until she got her vaccinations. But she took it like a champ. She's so strong! One of my nicknames for her is "Muscles" because she's always been a strong baby.

In honor of A's healthy check up, I decided to reflect on these last (almost) four years I've been able to call myself a mother. I've changed a lot. That's compared to myself and compared to my peers. Here's a list of things I never expected about motherhood:

I Never Expected:

1. That I would be overjoyed that the man I love, loves another girl.

2. That another person's spit, vomit, poop, and pee would not gross me out.

3. That sleeping in is anything past 7 am.

4. That staying up past 10 pm is considered late.

5. That I could love someone so strongly without knowing anything about them but their name.

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