Monday, August 26, 2013

Day Out With Thomas

I talked to C about how worthless I feel. He said all the nice things he's supposed to as my husband. He said that I'm so much more successful than him and he'e trying to keep up, that he loves me, and that he doesn't know what he would do without me. It was nice to hear but it would be nicer to believe it...

This weekend, I took G out to the railway museum's Day Out With Thomas event. It was supposed to be the greatest vacation ever for him. He's completely obsessed with Thomas the train. However, he hated it. It was so hot, there was a long drive, and there were so many people there. G was upset that we rode in a passenger car instead of right inside Thomas. He didn't like that we didn't buy anything from the gift shop ($15 - $25 for a tiny little train! No way!) It was awful!

After our train ride, we walked around the outdoor museum. He refused to see any trains that weren't Thomas. He refused to do any activities. Finally he agreed to go in the bouncy castle. When his turn was over, he wouldn't leave. I counted to three but he still didn't listen. As soon as he came out, we left. He was dragging his feet and screaming the whole way out. As punishment, he lost his Thomas toy and didn't get a cookie with his lunch.

After we got home, he was acting better so I decided to take him to the library. This kid loves the library as much as I do! It's so awesome! Too bad I didn't realize that this weekend was the summer carnival, which happens to be located right in front of the library. There was no parking anywhere. I took my crying boy back home with no new books. It was a disappointing weekend for him, although I did get some cute pictures that went straight up onto Facebook.

Poor A didn't have a better weekend even though she did get to spend Sunday bonding with her grandparents. She caught a cold on Friday. Four times awake Friday night and Saturday night! And she didn't sleep well during the day! My poor baby!

On the bright side, her motor control is getting much better. Anything within reach can now be expected to end up in her mouth including but not limited to: my glasses, my hair, and G's trains. I'm still so proud of my baby!

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