Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Favorite Hobby

I've been trying to have fun with my hobbies a lot more recently. It really helps me stay sane in my overworked life. When I was in college, I went without my favorite hobby, reading, for several months. It was awful. I finally started using half an hour of my precious sleep time for reading and I started feeling so much better. Now I have a Nook so I can read on the train during my obnoxiously long commute. I prefer this to trying to sleep on the train by a long shot.

I'm a really fast reader. (Yet another skill that helped me get through college.) I can do three books in two weeks on average. Keep in mind that the only time I read is on my commute. I started another blog to help others find good books. When I finish the book, I rate it out of five and write a brief paragraph about it. I don't like the way it's coming out right now so I might tweek it a bit later. Maybe I'll start writing multiple paragraph summaries? I'm not sure. I'm open to suggestions if there is anyone out there reading this blog...

I also need suggestions for which books to read. Right now I'm randomly choosing books based on what's available on my local library's website. Most of their ebooks are romance novels but I try to avoid those. I feel foolish for reading them. Not all problems are solved by finding a husband. Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to leave comments...

I love that library by the way. It is the same one that I used to escape to as a kid whenever my life got overwhelming. In high school, I used to ride my bike there to check out "one or two" books. I'd leave with over ten books even though I didn't bring a backpack. I'd have to carefully ride home with all the books in one arm while trying not to drop any. I can't control myself around books. They are my weakness. They are my escape.

I'll admit, I tend to binge read when I'm really upset. At the peak of my depression, I was reading 1-2 books a day. I had to keep reading in order to avoid crying. That's one thing I look out for: if I read too much it means I'm avoiding real life.

On that happy note, check out my new blog:

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