Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day Firsts

Significant changes this past Labor Day weekend! My kids are growing up! Saturday, we went on vacation to Wisconsin to my parents. They have a second house up there. G loves it there! My parents have the old Nintendo 64 up there. That and the Nintendo Game Cube are the only game consoles I've ever seriously played. After that, the controllers had way too many buttons for me to compete with anyone. Even Halo on the original Xbox was too tricky for me. I used to play the 64 so much that I got a tattoo of Toad on my shoulder. He was my favorite character in Mario Kart. He still is actually.

But I digress...

The point is, G wanted to play games on the old Nintendo 64 with me. He now can use the controller on his own. Although I'm still better than him at the games right now, I'm sure that won't last long. He loves playing and I love playing the games with him. We had a great Saturday of games.

Sunday, we went to the local fair. We saw all the animals even though G wasn't really interested. Then we went on the rides. G loves rides! None of them scared him! He was too short for most of them but he willingly went on all the ones he was allowed to. He gets this from me. C gets scared around roller coasters. I'm always trying to get him to go front row with me. He's always trying to go on the boring rides. I can't wait until G starts going front row on the tallest roller coasters with me!

The fair was supposed to end with a concert from the Beach Boys. My dad was a huge Beach Boys fan growing up. G, my mom, and I also enjoy their songs so it should've been a fun evening. Angela didn't care for all the noise. Once we got to the stands, she wouldn't stop crying. We had to leave an hour before the show started. That was supposed to be my first concert too. Oh well.

Monday was a day of change. G got new booster seats. He is now officially out of car seats. He can now get into and out of the car by himself. He can also disobey my rules and not sit nice in the car if he doesn't want to. Hopefully, he still listens to me...

A was given solid food for the first time. I noticed this weekend that she would open her mouth whenever a spoon was put near her. I was holding her while eating ice cream and she tried to steal my dessert! So I bough some baby rice to see if she was truly ready. It turns out, she was! She's a better eater than G ever was. She eagerly ate most of the food I gave her. Almost none of it was spit back up. G was so picky about what foods he likes (and he still is!) He never liked the rice. A actually enjoyed it!

Technically, I started feeding her before I was supposed to. She's only four months old. The doctors say to wait until five months. But she was showing signs of readiness and she's big for her age (75th percentile for weight, 90th percentile for height and head size) so I decided to try it. Yay! I'm proud of my growing kids!

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