Monday, September 9, 2013

Beds, Bangs, and Birthday

This weekend was pretty interesting. Friday evening, we went over to my SIL's house. G got to play with his cousins and eat pizza. They played with Thomas trains even though JJ has moved passed the stage of being obsessed with them and now enjoys his Wii more. My son is so spoiled. I had fun too. I like talking with my SIL. It's nice to have someone close in age who knows what it's like to be a young mother. None of my close friends have kids yet. I'm not even sure if any of them want kids. I don't have as much in common with them anymore.

G had so much fun that I let him stay there a bit longer than I should have. His usual bedtime is 8 pm but we need to start getting ready at 7:45 if he wants to read a book. (He always wants to read a book. I'm so proud!) We stayed until 9 pm. Then we dropped off my MIL at her house. She brought out the things that C had sent me: new work shoes and a birthday gift.

The shoes are cute. They are Coach heel shoes. I'm not very fashion forward so forgive the poor description. These are the first brand name shoes I own. Usually I just buy some cheap Payless heels. They are also much higher than my usual shoes. I'll be the same height as most women in those shoes! Ha ha I'm so short! It'll take some practice until I'm able to walk in those shoes. I'm not sure I'll ever think of them as comfy, though.

I opened the birthday gift as soon as I got home. My birthday isn't until Sunday but I couldn't resist. C has clearly been listening to what I talk to him about. He bought me a Nintendo 64! He also bought me two controllers and two games! I'll need to buy a blue controller for G at some point but it was still a great gift! G wanted me to set it up right away. That kid would take my gift for himself if he could!

One finally thing I feel I need to mention in this blog post: I cut my bangs. They were getting so long, always in my face, so I cut them. I did not go to a stylist to get them cut. I literally took scissors and chopped over an inch off. It looks stupid and my self-esteem plummeted after I did that. I hate how I look. I want to hide until it grows back just a little more. However, as bad as I feel, I know this won't be the last time I cut my own bangs.

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