Friday, September 6, 2013

G's Morning

G had trouble letting go of me when I had to leave for work this morning. I hate it when he does this. As if I didn't have enough mom guilt for working in the first place. It's not like I even have a choice but I still get the guilt.

I wasn't expecting him to act like that today. Usually he's pretty good on Friday mornings. Fridays are pizza and Show-and-Tell days. Pizza is one of the few foods my picky eater likes. I really can't blame him for being a picky eater; he gets it from me. He also loves Show-and-Tell. It gives him a chance to bring one of his Thomas toys to class to share with his friends. He always brings something Thomas related even if we have to stretch to make it fit the theme. When the theme was school, he brought his Thomas lunch box. Today the theme was apples. He brought bug ABC flashcards (because bugs eat apples) and he used his Thomas pail to hold them. We can get very creative finding his Show-and-Tell toys...

Tonight we are going to my sister-in-law's house so G can play with his cousins. He was excited about that last night when I told him. Hopefully it will cheer him up during the day once he moves past the fact that I spend more of my waking time each day in an office instead of with him...

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