Thursday, September 19, 2013


I take back all the good things I wrote about before about "Gone Girl." I hated the ending. I told C to read it too because he always wants cool new books to read. I'm rescinding my recommendation to him too. He's very particular about endings and I know he'll hate this one too.

In other news, I tried fruit for the first time yesterday with A. I fed her bananas mixed with baby rice. G loves bananas so I made double the baby rice that I normally make in case A loves it too. She definitely does. I made way more than I thought she'd eat but she finished it all! She even yelled at me a couple of times during the meal because I was feeding her too slowly. (I was trying to read to G at the same time. I'm usually better at multitasking than this. Both kids were yelling at me to continue!)

The result of the large meal? A slept through the night! Yay! I'm going to finish the jar of bananas with her tonight so hopefully I'll be able to repeat the sleep too!

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