Tuesday, September 24, 2013

No Sleep

Worst night in a long time! A did not want to sleep! To call it the worst is really saying something, too. This past weekend, she woke up every two hours like clockwork. A couple weeks ago she had a pattern of waking up at 3 am and staying awake until 5 am. None of that felt as bad as last night. She refused to let me put her down until 12:30 am. She would fall asleep in my arms but the moment I put her down, she would be wide awake. She didn't want a bottle or a pacifier. She would cry unless she was chewing on my hair. It was enough to make me wish I could try sleep training. Of course I can't because that would wake up G. He needs his sleep more than I do.

I tried sleep training with G when he was a baby. I only tried once though. He screamed until he threw up. That was that. It was better for him to fall asleep with me holding him. He wasn't cut out for that method of sleep training. Of course, A has a different personality. She might be more willing. I've seen her fall asleep with no bottle, rocking, or anyone holding her before. Oh well. Maybe things will get better in time. Maybe. Until then I'll try to keep my depression in check and dream of getting a full night's sleep.

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