Thursday, August 15, 2013

Update 8/15/13

Well, it's been a while. The charger for my laptop finally broke. It was in awful condition from when I had cats back before G was born. They used to chew on my charger all the time! The charger wasn't able to charge my laptop. It would give my laptop life while it was plugged in but it wasn't able to store any battery life in the laptop itself. The new charger finally came in so hopefully I can get back to writing more often.

Almost this whole time, I wasn't able to contact C. He said he would be away from his phone for training but it was still rough. I worry so much about him! I realized recently how angry I am that he isn't here with me. I seem to be taking out my anger on the Marines as an institution. The Marines took my love away from me and proceeded to torture him in the name of training! Who wouldn't be mad about that! This anger is triggered by just about anything that reminds me of the Marines: commercials about the military, news reports, people in a military uniform. One time I saw some sort of military guy on the train. I was so distracted by my anger that I was unable to read my book and I almost missed my stop!

I guess that is just my "momma bear" instincts coming through. There are very few people in this world that I would rick my life to protect. Most people I know, I wouldn't care that much if they got hurt. That sounds awful, I know. I have compassion for people however most of the time I'm apathetic about their situations. I want the best for C, G, and A. Those are the only people I would die for. Thankfully, it hasn't come to that yet.

I had a great weekend with G last weekend. One of my old high school friends came back. I hadn't seen her in over a year! She had never met A, even when my sweet baby was in my belly! Anyway, G, my friend and I decided to tie dye some T-Shirts. It was a blast! Extremely messy by the way, but fun. G picked out the colors so we had light blue, dark blue, and green. (He's now in a stage where he only likes "boy things." I don't know where he got this idea because I try to teach him that there is no such thing as boy things/ girl things but he still says stuff like that all the time!) The T-Shirts came out amazing if I do say so myself.

A is getting bigger. She is sitting up on her own much better now although she still falls over constantly. She smiles and laughs at almost anybody except between the hours of 4 pm and 7 pm. I'm not sure why but she is always in a bad mood during this time. She is now able to grasp things and bring it to her mouth. Everything goes into her mouth! I'm hoping it's just because she's teething. G was never a big chewer.

This weekend is going to be exciting too, so hopefully I'll write again soon!

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