Friday, October 18, 2013

A Bit Overdue...

It has been a while since I wrote. C's visit has come and gone. I really didn't feel like we spent a lot of time together. He helped me with the bedtime routine every night, we had one day with the kids, and one date night. That was it. He went out with his friends every night and slept all day. I wish we had spent more time together...

The day with the kids was a blast! We went to the Children's Museum. G was running around playing with everything. He loved climbing the giant rope course! His favorite things were digging for dinosaurs and the nighttime/ bug room. We read about bugs at home but he's never shown an interest in dinosaurs before. I don't know why he liked it so much.

I did feel left out at times; I had to hold A the whole time. She doesn't like C. I think she's going through that stranger anxiety phase. She doesn't seem to like anyone holding her but me and my dad. At one point G actually said to C, "A doesn't like you or your mom!" While that was true, the face that we weren't even talking about C's mom at the time made the quote hysterical! C was pretty upset that A didn't like him. He made an effort to hold her as much as he could before she started screaming. That's why I love him (even if A does not... Ha ha ha.)

Our date night was much less fun. We were both sick, tired, and were in the process of losing our voices. We kept it simple with dinner and a movie. His family watched both G and A. G was disappointed that he didn't see any of his cousins while A was upset that she wasn't with me. We wrapped up the date early enough that G could still make his bedtime and C would be able to hang out with his friends. (He couldn't miss even one night!) The day wasn't very romantic at all...

G was very fussy on our last night with C. He wouldn't let C read to him and he didn't say goodbye. G really didn't understand what was going on. The next day, he cried when I came home from work without Daddy. He was fussy for a while, but we are finally back to our usual routine.

Work has been very hectic lately. The deadline for extended returns was on the fifteenth so everyone has been working extra hard to get everything done. Only a few clients who STILL haven't given us what we need to complete their returns remain. There's only so much we can do. That is one of the reasons I haven't written lately.

The other reason is that I have been reading like mad whenever I'm not working or with the kids. I've started reading the Game of Thrones books. They are actually really good! I'm very skeptical whenever the general public likes something. The books were a bit longer than I expected. I checked out the first four books in a set on my Nook. The library only lets people check out books for two weeks. No option to renew is available when there is a waiting list, as in this case. Usually, I can read three books in two weeks. This time I finished one and a half. Like I said those books are long! I finally finished the second one and am now waiting for my hold on the third to become available.

Now I think this blog is officially caught up! Whew!

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