Thursday, October 31, 2013


Happy Halloween! We will be trick or treating as soon as I get back from work. Too bad it's raining right now. I hope it stops before this evening. G will be going as Thomas the Tank Engine, again. It's the same costume he wore last year, but he wanted to wear it again. How could I say no to that! A will be Winnie the Pooh. That's the costume G wore for his first Halloween. I was lucky this year. Since we already had both costumes, I spent no time or money on shopping for what they want. This will not happen again next year, I know it already.

Last night I got into another fight with C. I was on Facebook when I saw some of his status updates. He plans on going to clubs with several of his female friends and dancing with them. I am definitely not ok with this. Something about alcohol, friends who hate me, and women grinding up against him seems like a very bad idea to me. We texted quite a bit last night about this. I told him he was acting single. He was getting defensive, asking me what married men were supposed to act like. I told him they don't spend more time with friends than their family, they don't go out drinking every night, and they don't stay overnight at a female friend's house especially after their wife asked him not to. Then I sent him one more text: "They don't make their wife cry."

I think it was the last text that finally made him realize that this was a big deal to me. He apologized. He said all he wanted to do was spend time with his friends and that he didn't want any one else but me. He was going to do karaoke instead of the club. He promised this time would be different than last time. The only difference I see is that he invited me along Thursday and Friday. I'll trust him on this, for now.

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