Monday, October 28, 2013


I posted before about a problem that has come up in C and my marriage: I don't feel like I'm a priority in his life. I talked to him more about it this weekend. He swears that he'll have more time for us when we see him more often. He says that he didn't see me much because of our living situations. I still live with my parents until I can move with him and he stayed at his parents' house (or really his female friend's) for the visit. He said he didn't invite me out with them because I was always complaining about how tired I am and because I don't like his friends. I stayed up late deliberately for him! I knew I would be even more tired than usual! Honestly, I don't like his friends. They are unambitious druggies with shaky morality when it comes to the law. Plus they don't like me. But he still never invited me. Not once. I guess we are "ok" again but I feel like our problems have been covered up, not solved. I doubt this will be the last time we fight over this issue.

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