Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This Weekend

I can't seem to find my post about my weekend so I'll retype it.

We had a very busy weekend. I'll admit, most weekends we are lucky if we all get dressed both days. This weekend we were dressed, out of the house, and Saturday I even wore heels. I'll start with Friday.

Friday, I had to leave work early to pick up my kids. Usually my mom does this but she made plans. After I picked them up, we went straight to the library. G loves the library! He gets that from me. He needs limits placed on the number of books he can take or he'd borrow them all. This time we left with only eight. He also loves playing in the kids' section. They have computer games, puzzles, legos, puppets, and more! Even A was good while we were there. She's too young for the toys but she loves looking at all the colors. We stayed for about an hour before heading home for dinner. Neither kid fussed for one moment that we were there! Success!

Saturday was one of G's cousin's baptism. He's a bit old for a baptism but they had one for the four year old anyway. I didn't really know what to expect. I'd never been to a baptism before (besides my own) and it has been years since I've been in a church. I didn't even know I needed to dress up until the day before. We had some trouble when we first got there. I'll admit, it was 100% my fault. I have terrible insecurities and they sometimes get the best of me.

When we got to the church, there was a decent crowd inside. They all turned to look at us when we arrived but I didn't see anyone I knew. G, A, and I backed out slowly. I doubled checked the invitation. (It was in Spanish which didn't help my nerves.) I was at the right place and only ten minutes early. What was I doing wrong?

We walked back into the church. Keep in mind, I was wearing really tall heels and a skirt while holding a giant diaper bag, my purse, and a baby. I looked awkward! We took a seat in the back and decided to wait. G was getting fussy so we walked out to the steps to wait for someone we knew. Finally they showed up! They were just running late; I didn't do anything wrong at all! Of course, the ceremony was still awkward. I'm atheist, G has been to church with my mom maybe three times only, and A started crying halfway through. Can you feed a baby in a church? Oh well, I did.

We took several pictures before going home for lunch. We were all going to meet up for a party at a banquet hall for dinner. Thankfully, I was able to find my way there only getting lost once. G and A even kept their clothes clean enough to wear to the party! Yay! They weren't that dressed up. G was wearing a button up shirt (his "just-like-daddy" shirt) and khakis. A was wearing a black shirt with ruffles and khakis. I was wearing a blue work shirt that I know makes me look super skinny and a tan skirt. And huge Coach heels of course. I received many compliments on the shoes and many questions on whether my feet hurt. (Answer: yeah they did!) We weren't as dressed up as some of the other people at the party but I really didn't care.

The party was fun. C's family can get pretty wild. It also didn't help that there were more kids than adults. I love his large family. I wish my family was like that. I have a large extended family that lives far away but I rarely get to see them. His family is here all the time and they are always willing to help each other. It's great! I wish I wasn't driving so I could've had a drink with them. I had to be responsible, though.

G was clearly tired; it had been a long day for him. He didn't even get a nap! Still, I was very proud of him. He wasn't as rowdy as the other kids and he listened when someone told him no. He would pout at times, but he was still very well behaved. He only cried a little when we were the first ones to leave. (It was his bedtime and I was getting tired too.) Even in the car, he soothed his sister once she started crying. I told him when we got home that I was really proud of him. He even earned back some of his toys he lost during major temper tantrums in the past. I love that boy!

Sunday, G was invited to a birthday party for one of his school friends. He loved it and was very social. I, on the other hand, was awkward and aloof. All of the other parents are twice my age! I talked to one parent that graduated from the same high school as me. She went there in the nineties! Conversation ended when I told her I was the class of '08. She was one of the younger parents!

Some good did come from that party. One of G's friends has apparently been asking for a play date with G. His dad talked to me about it. He took my phone number and email so we could plan something. G has never had a play date with a school friend before. This will be a major first!

I'm hoping next weekend will be a bit more relaxing...

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