Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Government Shutdown

I guess it was time I discussed current events on here. It is official: the budget has not been passed and there is a government shutdown. At first, I wasn't worried about the treat. This is clearly a major issue for a lot of people. However, I'm more concerned with how it harms my family. Life is better when I only worry about the people I care for the most: C, G, and A.

I naively thought it didn't affect me. Silly me, I had forgotten where C gets his paychecks. We could use his pay especially with his visit coming up. Right now I'm paying for all but one of our bills. He pays for court fines from his car accident, saves for a house, and sends money to his family. Other than that, all of his money is discretionary for us.

(Side note: I do consider both of our paychecks as "our" money. It just seems more reasonable to approach this as a team effort. However, we have not combined finances yet. We haven't had the opportunity, but even so, I think it will be a while before we do. We aren't able to communicate instantly anymore so it is hard to know how much needs to be set aside for bills right now. It is simpler to send each other money when the other needs it.)

The good news is that Obama agreed to pay military members their pay even if some other government workers are not getting paid. We'll be able to have a date night! C will take the family out to where ever G wants! I don't have to send him money so he can get home! Life will be just fine for us!

Of course, I have no idea if the military health insurance is still being funded so I hope G and A don't get sick until the new budget is passed. I haven't confirmed with C that he actually got paid yet. (We all know the media would never lie to us. Right? *sarcasm*) Even at my most optimistic, I have pessimistic thoughts!

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