Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Train People


Working in a big city means parking is absurdly expensive. As a single mom newly married mom (still getting used to that!), I have much more important things to spend money on. I take the train instead. During tax season was the worst! I had to be on the train by 4 am if I wanted to put in enough hours to earn maternity leave and still be home in time to feed G dinner. I was always scared when I had to take that train. I'm a 110 lb female, a pretty easy target. Thankfully, nothing ever went that wrong! The train ride itself is never that bad; it's the people riding the train. At 4 am, the train is mostly filled with drunk people and sleeping homeless people. Once I saw two drunk people get into a fight on the train. They weren't able to actually hit each other, but they did fall down when the train stopped and started.

This time of year, the people on the train can be classified to the following categories:

1. Working people - wearing dressier clothes that will get ruined when they sit on the disgusting seats and carrying their coffee.

2. School kids - carrying huge backpacks and trying to study while the train is moving.

3. The homeless - these people can either be walking around asking for money or sleeping on the seat. My city has a huge problem with homeless people. There really is no way to help them all and no way to avoid them if you don't want to try.

4. People going to the airport - big giant suitcases! These people take up two seats for each person!

5. People going to sporting events - team uniforms and the smell of beer, yay... Good thing they come and go by season.

There are certainly other people too but about 90% of riders fall into these categories. If you are wondering, I'm one of the working people

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