Alright I admit it: the idea wasn't mine. I was reading some other mommy blogs today when one of them mentioned this. It sounded cool and my parents and I talked to G before about making s'mores while camping so this seemed like a good idea. G loved it! He especially enjoyed eating the marshmallows and chocolate while we were supposed to be making them :P What a squirt.
Unfortunately my cooking skills got in the way. Again. I'm a notoriously bad chef. I'll find a way to mess up anything I cook. This recipe wasn't even challenging. Put the marshmallows on the graham cracker and bake for 5 minutes at 400 degrees. Take them out and add the chocolate and the other graham cracker. Easy... Except I burnt the graham cracker. Oops! I still thought they were good though. This is definitely something I would try to do again! G and I both had fun!

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