Monday, July 15, 2013

Can't Escape

I found out why C hasn't texted me last week and it wasn't because he was at MCT; he's in military jail! He decided to try to quit the Marines. It's not easy to quit when he signed a four year contract as he found out. We managed very few texts last night so I don't quite have the whole story yet. I guess someone (a higher rank most likely) told him that his job-thing was needed in Afghanistan right away. He would've been deployed for a minimum of nine months right after he finished his MOS schooling. He wouldn't have seen any of his family for over a year. This was beyond acceptable for him. He wanted out.

I wish he had talked to me about this first. Maybe we could've found a better, quicker way to get him home. I don't know. This decision blindsided me. I know it's what I want but I don't want to be the reason he does this. I don't want him to regret it later and blame me in any way for it. I should've been less vocal about asking him to give it all up the moment he joined. This was his choice, not mine. I had no right to guilt him about not being there for me, G and A. Now he decides to listen to what I've been saying! And now it landed him in jail!

I worry if this was the right decision for him. I tried to research online what would happen when he does leave. I'm hoping most of it is fear tactics because honestly none of it is good. Possible outcomes include:

-making him finish his four year contract from within the jail

-giving him the worst jobs and ridiculing him until he leaves (AKA making his life hell)

-giving him a dishonorable discharge which would ruin his chances of ever getting a decent job for the rest of his life.

I don't know what he should do! I want him home with me. I want us to finally start our life together. I want him to be safe from all the horrors of deployment. I want to be able to talk to him and hold him whenever I want. But I don't want him to ever regret his decision. Joining the Marines was his dream. They must already have done something awful for his dream to change into his nightmare after only a few months. I can't even think about what they could've done to change my wonderful husband without bringing myself to tears. I hate the Marine Corps and I wish we could put this whole incident behind us for good.

He's in jail for refusing to train. I guess that's the tactic he's going to use to try to get out. He said he'll be lucky to be home before Christmas. I'm so worried about him. It's all I can think about. I don't even have anyone to talk about this with. My friends wouldn't understand. I never discuss my personal life with my family. I would feel bad making his family worry as much as I am, especially if he hasn't already told them. It certainly isn't my place to do that. So it's just me, trapped in my crazy head. I can't escape my worries any more than he can escape the Marine Corps.

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