Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Quest for the Notary, Part 2

Continuing my story... I had just found a Currency Exchange that stays open until 9 pm.

I race home after work as fast as the train will let me. I stop at home to pick up both kids and off we go. Thankfully, A sleeps the whole trip but G has boundless energy, the way only kids can. I takes a lot of effort to reign him in but I did. We even managed to cross a busy street with him behaving and me carrying A in her heavy car seat. Yay! I go to ask for notary service but the woman at the desk told me their notary employee has already left for the day.

Honestly, she was lucky I didn't go off on her. I realize it wasn't her fault at all but I was so frustrated. Why is it so hard to find a notary? Would I be able to find a notary at all? I felt like crying; I was so defeated. Instead, I just took my kids home.

I knew this had to be done the next day. We need these insurance forms. There was no question about that. So on my lunch break, I looked up currency exchanges near work. Once I found one within walking distance, I called to make sure the notary was in. So far so good. I went to find it.

I used GPS since I'm notorious for getting lost. It led me to this giant building with no address on the outside. I wasn't completely sure this was the right place, but I went in anyway. It was a mall. It had shops, a food court, and a license plate renewal location. There were also offices you can get to if you had a badge. I walked all around it. No Currency Exchange. I called them to ask for directions.

Well, it turns out that there was a door hidden behind the elevators that leads to a train station. The Currency Exchange was right next to the station. I would have never found it on my own! A huge line and $1 later, I was done. I succeeded with my quest!

Of course, I still need to sign Power of Attorney papers for C and visit the DEERS office but for now I'm done.

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