Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Worst Weekend Ever

I knew this past weekend was going to start off bad. G was having his birthday party and he wanted it at Chuck E. Cheese. I hate that place. It's loud and expensive. All the kids in there are wild and rude. Some of the parents are too. I've never gone there and not had a parent cut in front of me in a line I was patiently waiting in. It drives me crazy. But it was G's birthday, not mine so he got to pick the place. C used to take G there all the time so I wonder if he likes it so much because it reminds him of his dad...


I decided to just invite G's cousins (all from C's side of the family) because there will be more than enough kids with just family. G loved it! He's best friends with one of his cousins (the one we spent the Fourth of July with) so he enjoyed himself. When I ask him who his friends are at school, he tells me he has no friends. I'm glad he'll say he's friends with his cousins though.

G had fun but I regretted how much money I spent on tokens and pizza. I also felt really tired when I got home. Really, really tired... I thought it was just the party that wore me out so I packed our bags to head up to Wisconsin for a vacation. My dad, A and I were only staying for the weekend but G is there all week. I miss the little guy already but he's having fun with my mom and aunt going swimming and stuff. Once we were packed and in the car, I started feeling really cold as in 'I have a fever'-cold. That's when I knew I was more than just tired. I also developed a headache and a sore throat. I was sick.

Thankfully, my dad agreed to take A overnight so I could get some sleep. I went to bed right away even though it was only 8 pm when we got there. I didn't sleep well through the night. I tossed and turned. I woke up several times. I wasn't better by the morning. I tried to take care of A as best as I could but my dad still had to help a lot. G was distracted with my mom and aunt still. I was ready to pass out at 7 pm when we got home. My dad agreed to watch A again that night.

Even without A waking me up, that was a bad night. I was sweating most of the night. I also woke up a lot similar to the night before. I'm also pretty sure that C called in the middle of the night and I talked to him for a bit. Either that or I had a very lucid dream about it. I don't remember the details about the conversation either way. I have to wake up at 4 am everyday this week. Without my mom to pick up A from day care, I have to get off work early to do it. (I usually get home half an hour after the day care closes.) So I'm going to work an hour early every day so I can leave an hour early. I don't have anymore days I can take off since I used almost all of my days off for 2013 during my maternity leave. The no days off thing also came into play yesterday. I was still feverish when I woke up but I had to go to work anyway.

I sweated the whole day at work and had trouble concentrating but I made it through. I felt better by the time I got home. I even watched A last night, no problems. My dad mentioned how hard it was watching her two nights in a row. I just laughed. It's like he never had kids of his own!

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