Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Quest for the Notary

We still need to add A to C's insurance. Because she's not biologically from him, I had to fill out a special form and get it notarized. Now this is simple enough... in theory.

The quest started on Friday. I have only four hours of work on Fridays due to summer hours scheduling. After work, I printed out the form and filled it out. I had planned on going to the notary right away but I had to pick up G and A from day care and the notary closes early. (I had planned on going to the UPS near my house.) I didn't bother with the search the whole weekend.

Monday came. I walked to a UPS near work on my lunch break. I got lost and walked right past it. Twice. When I googled the location, the search failed to mention that the UPS was in the basement of a hotel. It wasn't even a normal hotel. It was a fancy rich hotel that made you program the elevator by buttons outside of the elevator before you stepped inside! Of course I didn't realize it until I got into the elevator with another person and she looked at me like I was crazy. As if all elevators have buttons on the outside! 

Finally I made it to the UPS. I asked about their notary and the worker there said that the notary employee was on vacation. All that trouble with getting lost and the funky elevator was for nothing! Ugh! She gave me the number of another UPS. This time I was going to be smart; I called first. The notary there was on vacation too! I walked back to work defeated. I definitely shouldn't have worn high heels while on my errand. Ouch my feet hurt!

Well, I really needed to get this done so while walking back I called the UPS by my house. What did they tell me? The notary employee was on vacation! If I ever lose my tax accountant job, I'm going to become a notary. They clearly get a lot of vacation time.

This is where I stop trying to use UPS. I google other notaries. One, a FedEx, is fairly close to work. I plan on going there until I notice the first review of the place: this location does not offer notary services even if google says it does. UGH!!!

I look up notaries by my house. A bunch of currency exchanges pop up. I look at all the nearby ones. All the suburban ones close at 6 pm but I don't get back until 6:30 pm so those are out. There is one in the city near C's house that stays open until 9 pm. I plan to go there as soon as I'm done with work.

To be continued...

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