Saturday, July 20, 2013

That Darn CPA Exam, Part Two

I gave myself a month to study for each exam. That's a month, while working full time and being a full time mother to G. (No A yet...) It was rough. I had to study every moment I possible could. My boyfriend at the time (A's bio dad) was not so understanding. He criticized me for not spending any time with him. Whatever. I was a mom on a mission. I studied during my commute, at lunch, and immediately when G fell asleep. I would stay up late, all the way until midnight, even though I had to wake up at five am for work.

I did not feel prepared on test day. I was scared. Even sacrificing all that I could, I walked out thinking there is no way I passed. I anxiously waited three weeks for the result. Even though I had no clue how effective my study methods were, I was working on the next test already. I didn't have any time to waste. Finally my score was online: 82. Anything over a 75 is PASSED. 74 and below is FAIL. I couldn't believe I had passed! I took FAR first because it's supposed to be the hardest one. I was done with one! Only three left!

I did the same routine for the next exam. PASSED! 86! Whoohoo! I still left the testing center feeling like I failed but I was on a roll. I could see myself keeping up this crazy pace and passing them all on the first try!

My plan got derailed by a missed period. Why hello A. Nice timing. I could no longer keep up my crazy pace. I gave up coffee which was really the only thing keeping me up most nights. I also had fatigue, a very common first semester symptom. I could no longer stay up late studying and often would fall asleep on my computer. I pushed back my test date. I couldn't get through the material as quick as before.

Even though this test was mostly on taxes, I received only a 77 on that one. I passed, but just barely. I scheduled the last exam the day before my NTS was about to expire. I couldn't push the date back any further. Thank goodness I passes. 75. The hardest part was over! (That night after I took my final test was when I broke up with A's bio dad. I'll explain more in another post.) I was one of the small group of people who passed all the tests on the first try! And I did it while working full time, pregnant, taking care of a three year old, and in only five months!

The next step was passing an ethics exam. I was supposed to be super easy. I even get the study materials when I pay for it and I have three chances to pass it. I put it off for months. When I took it the first time, I did so without studying. I failed. I need a 90% or higher to pass. I tried again after A was born. I studied for a few hours but I took the test when I was half asleep. No surprise, I failed again. I had to pass it on the third attempt. I didn't have the extra $175 to pay for the test again. This time I went through the whole program as I was supposed to. Finally, yesterday I took the test again.

I passed! I'm done with all the tests! I'm not a CPA yet but almost. I'm not quite sure what the next step is. My results were forwarded to my state board so I'm waiting to hear back from them. I think I have a few more forms to fill out and another fee to pay. But that's it! I took on one of the hardest professional certificates and achieved it! I'm so proud of myself! I'm sure C would be proud too. I can't wait to tell him! I told my mom. All she said was "it's about time." It was a mistake to tell her. She really doesn't care.

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