Friday, July 26, 2013

An Update on the Kiddos 7/26/13

A has been so fussy lately. I looked in her mouth yesterday while she was screaming to see if that tooth was close to popping through. It wasn't. I was surprised to see not just one white mark on her gums, but two. That's right; my poor, fussy baby is getting her first two teeth at once. No wonder she was so cranky! She isn't even getting her teeth in the right order. Normally, the center teeth grow in first. She's getting the ones right next to the center teeth on the bottom instead. G had his teeth come in out of order and quite early too so it makes sense.

G is four, like I mentioned previously. His party is tomorrow. However, the thing weighing most on my mind is his first memory. Sometime soon I believe, he will have his first memory that will last throughout his life. I wonder what it will be. Will it be a happy memory? Will it be about me? I wish I knew!

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